Funny Or Die Let’s You Make A Movie With Jean-Claude Van Damme Christopher Moore, February 20, 2014 Have you ever wished you could make a movie with Jean-Claude Van Damme? Well, now you can with JCVD’s Make My Movie Challenge via the website Funny or Die. After the break, find out more about the contest and what you need to do to pull off your own Van Damme action flick that’s as epic as his epic split.In order to get started, you’ll need to download the JCVD Action Pack found via the link here. The pack is a collection of 20 original action-packed scenes involving JCVD doing stunts and acting out scenarios in front of a green screen. That way you can key out the background out and create your own personal action scenes with the epic splitter himself. Here’s Van Damme explaining the Funny or Die contest:Once you’ve completed your scene, you have to upload the video to the Funny or Die site. The submission deadline is Midnight on March 3rd, 2014 and winners will be announced on March 5th, 2014. Prizes for winning include signed JCVD movies and posters, Adobe Creative Cloud for a year and an iPad mini.There’s not a lot of time to create your action masterpiece with the “Muscles from Brussels,” so you better get cracking. Once you’ve shot a JCVD video that rivals the intensity of Bloodsport, post the link in the comments below, and maybe, we’ll embed it in the post.For more information on the contest, check out the JCVD’s page on Funny or Die. Good luck with your video. Contests Social Networks Viral Marketing Viral News ContestsFunny or DieJean-Claude Van Damme
What If? Dawn of the Dead Viral September 7, 2009January 23, 2010The original Dawn of the Dead is my all time favourite Zombie horror film. Released as a sequel to Night of the Living Dead 10 years after its release, Dawn took the zombie nightmare further by reversing the roles and making the zombies the dominant species. Dawn followed 4 survivors… Read More
SNL and Justin Bieber Take On “The Roommate” February 6, 2011Sure, the movie is practically a joke, getting horrible reviews and being called a Single White Female ripoff, but with a decent opening weekend in progress, The Roommate needs to be taken down a peg. Last night’s Saturday Night Live on NBC did just that with Justin Bieber and Andy… Read More
V Peace Ambassador Program October 29, 2009October 29, 2009Because Hollywood can’t keep remakes to just movies, next week the series “V” debuts on ABC. The new series, based off the 1983 miniseries and subsequent TV show, is about aliens (called “Visitors”)who arrive to help mankind, but in reality have alterior motives. To promote the series, has created… Read More