Skype Shines A Light On Heroes ‘Behind The Shield’ With Captain America Sabina, February 27, 2014February 27, 2014 Captain America is one of Marvel’s supers who represents the everyman as a symbol of heroism, of the commitment to make the world a better place. In honor of the upcoming film both Skype and Marvel have partnered up with the cast of Captain America: The Winter Soldier to salute everyday heroes. Hit the jump to learn more about it.Beginning this week through March 24th, Skype users are able to submit their own Video Message via Skype onto the “Everyday Heroes” platform in order to nominate a friend, family member, coworker or general neighborhood do-gooder. If you know someone who’s fostering pets or always donating their time to homeless shelters, here’s a great opportunity to share their story of their passion to do their part to change the world. To kick off the start of this campaign, The Cap himself, Chris Evans created a video to invite Marvel fans to submit their stories.So hop on your Skype account in order to submit a 30 second entry to be entered. Some lucky heroes will be saluted by the cast of Captain America: The Winter Soldier or receive other great prizes like custom art by Marvel illustrators and signed posters.For more details on how you can participate and submit a video entry, please visit: America: The Winter Soldier hits theaters April 4th 2014 Contests Viral Marketing Captain America: The Winter SoldierChris EvansMarvelSkype
Get Your Name Featured on the Paranormal Activity DVD November 5, 2009November 5, 2009As we reported before, the viral buzz of Paranormal Activity deserves credit for most of the film’s success. Paramount Pictures obviously realizes this, so they have found a simple yet effective way to thank the fans. By entering your name and some information, you can have your name in the… Read More
V Peace Ambassador Program October 29, 2009October 29, 2009Because Hollywood can’t keep remakes to just movies, next week the series “V” debuts on ABC. The new series, based off the 1983 miniseries and subsequent TV show, is about aliens (called “Visitors”)who arrive to help mankind, but in reality have alterior motives. To promote the series, has created… Read More
Follow the White Rabbit December 2, 2009December 2, 2009Although it sounds like a Jefferson Starship song, it’s not. In fact, you’ll not only be following a white rabbit, you’ll be following 50 of them! All set loose on the streets and subways of NYC during Friday’s morning commute. As part of a marketing campaign for Syfy’s upcoming Alice,… Read More