Fans Of NBC’s “Hannibal” Unite Today For Twitter Campaign To Renew The Show Christopher Moore, May 1, 2014May 1, 2014 Some of the major fan groups of NBC’s Hannibal (or “Fannibals” as they call themselves) are coming together for a Twitter campaign today at 2 pm Eastern to help save the show. With no word yet on Hannibal‘s fate and NBC’s official slate of programming being announced on May 12th, the “Fannibals” have taken it upon themselves to let the Peacock Network know how much they want it renewed. After the break, check out the details on how you can be a part of this social media campaign to save Hannibal.Per the Facebook Page Hannabilism, here’s the instructions on how to participate in the Twitter crusade for the show’s renewal:Our most important Twitter campaign yet to get Hannibal renewed! Today, at 2:00 PM Eastern time, we are going to go on Twitter to @NBC (not nbchannibal just @NBC). Only one hashtag: #RenewHannibal. Give a reason or reasons in your tweet why you want it renewed (example: Critically acclaimed by the top TV critics, #1 on Hulu over Game of Thrones, amazing cast, the writing is amazing, the cinematography is beyond belief, you adore Mads, you love Hugh, the guest stars are amazing, Laurence Fishburne is a star etc. etc. etc. whatever you feel).So if you’re a fan of Hannibal like I am, let your tweets do the talking at 2 PM Eastern today and let NBC know you want a third season of this amazing show. You can also follow the show itself on Twitter at NBCHannibal as well as the show creator at Bryan Fuller. You can also like the show’s Facebook page.Hannibal comes on Fridays at 10 pm Eastern on NBC. Viral Marketing Bryan FullerHannibalHannibal LecterHugh DancyJack CrawfordLawrence FishbourneMads MikkelsenNBCRed DragonSilence of the LambsThomas HarrisWill Graham
Skype Shines A Light On Heroes ‘Behind The Shield’ With Captain America February 27, 2014February 27, 2014Captain America is one of Marvel’s supers who represents the everyman as a symbol of heroism, of the commitment to make the world a better place. In honor of the upcoming film both Skype and Marvel have partnered up with the cast of Captain America: The Winter Soldier to salute… Read More
Social Networks ‘Walking Dead’ Kicks Off Universal Halloween Horror Nights 2014 Maze Reveals June 9, 2014Who says June is too early for Halloween? For many, excitement for Universal’s Halloween Horror Nights starts as soon as the day after the current one ends. Fans begin to speculate what John Murdy (Hollywood’s creative director) and Co. will bring the following October for the whole year in between…. Read More
YouTube Tuesday: Death Star PR February 26, 2013February 25, 2013We at MovieViral know our viral videos pretty well, so we decided to share our knowledge to those looking to expand their Internet horizons. YouTube Tuesday is a weekly feature where we shine the spotlight on our favorite YouTube channels related to movies and television. We focus on channels that… Read More