Viral Video Roundup: “X-Men”, “Akira”, “Kill Bill”, And More! Binyamin Wallin, May 18, 2014May 18, 2014 The Internet is full of videos related to movies and television, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest. In this week’s edition: Animated Mutants, a Fan-Made epic trailer, and a youthful movie reenactment.Hit the jump to see this week’s videos! First, we bring you an animated version of the new X-Men movie, Days of Future Past. The 1988 animated Japanese movie is redone as live action. A man makes working Wolverine claws. The Hobbit is censored. Unnecessarily, of course. Tyrion’s speech has a new ending. Finally, the movie Kill Bill is reshot with kids, and compared side-by-side. Did we miss any videos? What did you think?Let us know in the comments below! Features Viral Video Round Up Viral Videos AkiraGame of ThronesKill BillThe Hobbit: The Desolation of SmaugViral Video RoundupViral VideosX-Men: Days of Future Past
“H+ The Digital Series” Debuts Online August 9, 2012Just over a month ago, we showed you the trailer for H+ The Digital Series, a web series being co-produced by acclaimed director and House M.D. executive producer Bryan Singer. The series is about a future where many people have a device (called H+) hooked up to their brains to… Read More
Trailers Weekly: “Pain & Gain”, “White House Down”, “Before Midnight”, “The Wolverine”, & “2 Guns” March 30, 2013Trailers Weekly is a feature in which we bring you the most popular and talked about trailers of the week. Sharing trailers is a classic viral practice, and trailers are still the most mainstream way for people to learn about movies. This week we have trailers for Pain & Gain,… Read More
Latest Video From “They’re Here” Takes A Different Perspective September 15, 2010September 27, 2010We’ve been following the progression of the online marketing for They’re Here, a film we know very little about other than it may be about an alien invasion. We’ve seen a few videos so far that show UFOs in poor quality footage, but now we have one (apparently over Glasgow)… Read More