Winter Is Coming, So Download The “Game Of Thrones”-Themed “Cards Against Humanity” Now Michael Lee, May 30, 2014May 30, 2014 Cards Against Humanity is just one of those games you feel dirty playing but can’t help but laugh while playing with a group of friends. The combination of cards that can be played in Cards Against Humanity is endless. Using answers like sharp witty and very dark humorous answers to life’s most meaningful questions makes for one great game. There is a downloadable version of the game available for those who cannot get the game whether it’s because it’s sold out or they can’t afford it. While it may not have the same feel as the real deal, the downloadable versions does have some upside to it, they only versions where you can get themed cards.As some of you may remember, just days before Valentine’s Day, House of Cards and Cards Against Humanity released the House of Cards Against Humanity game. Now if you don’t like House of Cards, but have been waiting for a Game Of Thrones-themed Cards Against Humanity game called Cards Against The Realm then wait no more, because a downloadable version is available. Hit the jump to find out how you can get it.Nerdist was the first to report on this. The Inn At The Crossroads helped create this theme pack, and it is where you can download the game. Here is just a sample of what kind of cards you will be using during the game.Nerdist says “the responses on the white cards include: the Onion Knight’s severed fingertips, an entire khalasar, bread and salt, and Hodor!”So what do you think? Will you download this version of Cards Against Humanity? Which other hit shows are you waiting for Cards Against Humanity to create? Tell us in the comments below. Fan Made Work News Viral News Cards Against HumanityCards Against The RealmGame of ThronesHBO
“Community” Lives On To See Season 6 June 30, 2014Community is just that one sitcom that refuses to get cancelled. After four seasons of continual low ratings, a strange schedule, cast member disputes and departures, Community nearly met its end after NBC cancelled it after five long hilarious but also tumultuous seasons. But fear not, as Abed would appropriately… Read More
The Buzz: A Good Day To Die Hard, Golden Globes, Star Wars, and More! January 19, 2013The Buzz is a feature in which we round up the Top 3 most-buzzed-about movie/TV stories of the week (in more-or-less chronological order). Why go through pages of blogs just to find out what everyone is talking about? We’ve got it all right here in The Buzz. Read More
Marvel Releases First “Captain America: The Winter Soldier Prelude” Comic January 28, 2014In the lead up to releasing Captain America: Winter Soldier, Marvel has released a comic that tells a prequel story that includes Cap himself, Black Widow and Rumlow. The comic looks to be a series leading up to the April movie release. You can get the first issue of Captain America: The… Read More