“Star Wars Rebels” Art Attack Short Shows Off An Explosive Sabine Michael Lee, August 18, 2014August 18, 2014 New Star Wars Rebels shorts are being released in anticipation for Disney XD’s upcoming animated series. The film takes place after the events of Clone Wars but before Episode IV: A New Hope, and centers on a group of rebels whose actions will spark the the creation of the Rebel Alliance.This week Disney has released the Star Wars short for Sabine, the Mandalorian Human who’s skilled in weaponry and has a taste for flashy art. Hit the jump to check out the short. In “Art Attack,” a special Star Wars Rebels short, Sabine sneaks into an Imperial compound, looking to create a diversion for her friends aboard the Ghost. Spotted by stormtroopers, she proves too quick to be captured – and leaves behind an explosive surprise.Sabine can be best described as a feisty and tomboyish Mandalorian who doesn’t respect authority. AS you can see from the video, she loves to mock her opponents, which further infuriates them.We had a chance to talk to Simon Kinberg and Freddie Prinze Jr about Star Wars Rebels, both of whom had nothing but good things to say about it. Not only that but those who have seen the pilot episode at Comic-Con spoke highly of it.The One-hour Star Wars Rebels debut is scheduled for a October 2014 premire on Disney XD. Viral Videos Art AttackDisney XDStar Wars Rebels
Ridley Scott and Kevin MacDonald Teaming Up With YouTube To Make User-Generated ‘Life in a Day’ July 7, 2010Back in April, we reviewed the documentary 140 as part of our Newport Beach Film Festival coverage. The concept was to have 140 people film 140 seconds at the exact same time, in order to get a snapshot of the world at one moment. While the doc was made by… Read More
Viral News Viral Video: The 1982 Tron Holiday Special December 20, 2010Sorry to burst your bubble, but there was no holiday special for TRON back in the 80s, as much as we all wish it were true. Fortunately, Funny or Die has the same pipe dreams and regrets as us, so they’ve created their own fake trailer for the would-be special…. Read More
“Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes” Recalls Events That Lead To The War Between Man And Ape June 13, 2014June 13, 2014Rise of the Planet of the Apes ended with the H7N9 virus spreading across the globe, thus leading to near human extinction. What happens between the end of that film and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes could define what happens in the sequel. Now 20th Century Fox has… Read More