The Amazing Spider-Man: Video Blog on Oscorp Website Includes Lizard’s Transformation Dan Koelsch, May 11, 2012 Earlier today the viral campaign for The Amazing Spider-Man saw a boost from a dead drop that revealed an internship through the Oscorp website. There is an innocuous video of Dr. Curt Connors welcoming the interns, but there is also a code underneath that collapses into the word “Mutagen”. This ends up being a new Oscorp subpage that has a more revealing video. Check it out after the break. While the video itself is not in-world, I’m sure fans are excited to see these video blogs that reveal more of the film. What do you think of Connor’s transformation into the Lizard?Follow the campaign at our The Amazing Spider-Man Hub, and catch the film in theaters on July 3rd. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral Videos OscorpThe Amazing Spider-Man
Prove You Are The Ultimate Fast Fan To Win A Walk On Role For “Fast & Furious 7” November 12, 2013Even though the sixth chapter in the Fast & Furious saga concluded only 6 months ago, the seventh chapter is kicking into high gear and now you have a chance to be a part of the crew. It takes more than just being a fan of the franchise though, you… Read More
“Transformers: Age Of Extinction” Viral Marketing Wants To ‘Keep Earth Human’ May 22, 2014May 22, 2014Following the explosive second trailer for Michael Bay’s Transformers: Age Of Extinction, Paramount Pictures has unveiled their latest push for the Transformers Are Dangerous viral marketing campaign. The first aspects of the Transformers Are Dangerous viral marketing campaign was actually revealed in the first trailer back in March, when a… Read More
Fifth and Possibly Final “Man of Steel” Trailer Brings the Action May 22, 2013Yesterday, the Man of Steel homepage had another transmission when you first get to the site. We expected it to lead to a new trailer, and we were right (though sooner than expected). Watch the “Fate of Your Planet” trailer after the break. Read More