Viral Video: Honest Trailers For “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” Michael Lee, August 19, 2014 There are three types of parody trailers and film summaries: Cinema Sins, How It Should Have Ended, and Honest Trailers. We’ve seen many types of these videos for various films, and it shouldn’t be the least bit surprising that we have one for Captain America: The Winter Soldier. We already have a How Should Captain America: The Winter Soldier Have Really Ended, but it’s time to poke a few more holes before Cinema Sins put a few more nails in the coffin. Hit the jump to check the full video out.ScreenJunkies isn’t afraid to describe the film has far superior than Captain America: The First Avenger. Although aside from the “let’s get help from our fellow avengers for some help,” the video brings about some good points; like if Tony Stark was able to hack into S.H.I.E.L.D., how come he didn’t notice the H.Y.D.R.A. seeds that were planted throughout the organization. Again, nitpicking, but it is fun nitpicking nonetheless.Captain America: The Winter Soldier Blu-ray/DVD arrives on store shelves on September 9th. Viral Videos Captain America: The Winter SoldierHonest TrailersScreen Junkies
Get Ready For New Transmedia Series “The Karada” September 14, 2011Heroes Writer Jim Martin has teamed up with Tea4two Entertainment to develop a new transmedia series called “The Karada”. The supernatural thriller is about a woman who “who struggles to save the multiverse as realities collapse around her.” Check out the teaser and press release after the break. It looks… Read More
Another “The Social Network” Parody: Twitter Movie Trailer August 13, 2010August 13, 2010We’ve already seen YouTube version, so it was only a matter of time before we saw a Twitter parody of David Fincher’s The Social Network. The video is made by Indy Mogul in collaboration with Barely Political’s Mark Douglas. I actually find this to be pretty funny, but like the… Read More
“Limitless” Viral: NZT Mails Out Drug Samples December 10, 2010March 21, 2011Yesterday we told you about the fake drug commercial starring Bradley Cooper that was really a viral video for his upcoming film Limitless. Well, it looks like the viral marketing doesn’t stop there, as the company behind the NZT drug sent me a package in the mail. What’s inside? Find… Read More