Hear The Awesome Full Soundtrack For Cinemax’s “The Knick” Kevin C, August 22, 2014August 22, 2014 While we turn our attention to a movie series Clive Owen used to be a part of, a very interesting development has happened with his current project. Owen stars in the Cinemax show The Knick, about New York’s Knickerbocker Hospital during the turn of the twentieth century. The entire show’s soundtrack appears to have been uploaded to YouTube, hit the jump to hear it.The fascinating thing is The Knick is a period piece, but the soundtrack is very noticeably new. If you’re an avid movie watcher, you’ll really recognize this style. That’s because the sound is composed by Cliff Martinez, the same guy who composed the Drive soundtrack. I love the sound personally, and feel like it has a real 80’s feel to it. So, if you’re keeping track: A TV show set in 1900, with a soundtrack that sounds like music from the 1980’s. The real question will be if it works in the show’s context.Check it out here: The Knick premiered on August 8th, 2014 on Cinemax, and has been renewed for a 10 episode second season. The show stars Clive Owen, Andre Holland, Jeremy Bobb and is directed by Steven Soderbergh Viral Videos Andre HollandCinemaxCliff MartinezClive OwenJeremy BobbSteven SoderberghThe Knick
Teaser For “Red State” Leads To Viral Sites December 23, 2010December 24, 2010When talk started up in regards to Kevin Smith’s horror film Red State, I was intrigued, especially being a fan of MOST of his work. Then again, none of his work included a horror film before, so it was up in the air. Recently, there has been a few posters… Read More
Watch Michael Cera Get a Jersey Shore Makeover January 9, 2010February 18, 2011So, there’s this video going around on YouTube that has actor Michael Cera hanging out with the cast of MTV’s “Jersey Shore”, which is apparently part of their most recent episode. The appearance is meant to be a promotion for Cera’s new film Youth in Revolt, opening this weekend, but… Read More
“H+ The Digital Series” Debuts Episodes 3-6 and Behind the Scenes Video August 16, 2012Bryan Singer’s new web series H+ has debuted four new episodes today, as well as a behind the scenes video. The sci-fi action web series is about a future where an implant hooks your brain up to the Internet 24/7, but things go terribly wrong when a wireless virus sweeps… Read More