‘X-Men: Days Of Future Past’ Has A Speedy Social Media Marketing Campaign

xmen days of future past quicksilver image

Following the launch of the latest viral marketing campaign from the X-Men film franchise, comes the latest social media campaign to promote the Blu-ray/DVD release of the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past.

To capitalize on the popularity of Quicksilver, which was probably one of the most surprising characters considering how the character was originally introduced, the 20th Century Fox marketing team has decided to use the character as the face of their latest social media marketing campaign. Using Vine and Instagram, we see, what we assume is an older Quicksilver try to make a speedy recovery after forgetting his girlfriend’s birthday. Hit the jump to check it out.

Here isn’t much more to it then these videos, who are using the Peter Maximoff name as their Instagram and Vine handle. You wouldn’t really know that this is part of a viral marketing strategy until you see the X-Men: Days of Future Past tag pop up at the end.

So it should be interesting to see how many more videos (if that’s the plan) pop up during the X-Men: Days of Future Past marketing campaign. We’ll just have to wait and see.

20th Centure Fox Home Entertainment will release X-Men: Days of Future Past on Blu-ray and DVD on October 14.

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