Viral Video: Watch Saturday Night Live Parody ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Trailer Michael Lee, December 7, 2014December 7, 2014 Of course with a trailer as hot as Star Wars: The Force Awakens, there is bound to be trailers that spoof, analyzes, chastises, or even criticize. Even our very own Christopher Moore made trailer spoof of his own that used Spaceballs footage, which also got the attention of various movie blogs. Now Saturday Night Live has taken notice, and made a parody of their own. They’ve already done parodies of other films this season, so it was only a matter of time before they set their sights on Star Wars: The Force Awakens.Hit the jump to check out the video starring SNL host James Franco.It only seems fitting that the SNL crew put a geriatric spin on the trailer, given that the OG characters are more than likely to be 30 to 40 years senior to the youngest members of the cast. Most of the characters seem to be out of their element. Han (Tarem Killan) is hard of hearing. Lando remincises about the old days, while being harassed by his wife for not doing the chores. Leia (Bobby Moynihan) can’t record a video on R2-D2. You get the picture.Some of it is pretty clever, but some of the bigger jokes have already been done. Like Leia trying to figure out how to work R2. And no one one seems to understand what the ball droid is.Oh and here is the Spaceballs: The Schwartz Awakens spoof trailer just in case you missed it. Viral Videos Saturday Night LiveStar Wars: The Force Awakens
YouTube Tuesday: Gritty Reboots April 9, 2013We at MovieViral know our viral videos pretty well, so we decided to share our knowledge to those looking to expand their Internet horizons. YouTube Tuesday is a weekly feature where we shine the spotlight on our favorite YouTube channels related to movies and television. We focus on channels that… Read More
“Prometheus” Viral Campaign Continues On With Recruitment At San Diego Comic-Con June 27, 2012August 4, 2012Normally a viral campaign would end when the film opens theatrically. But a new viral video for Prometheus has appeared online today that disproves that notion. Previous campaigns have focused on Elizabeth Shaw’s plea to Weyland to fund the fateful expedition, a description of a med pod, and a test… Read More
Check Out Disneyland’s “Tron Legacy”-Themed World of Color October 31, 2010Disney is pulling out all the stops with Tron Legacy. Not only has California Adventure’s Hollywood Backlot has been transformed into a Tron party called “ElecTRONica“, but now the World of Color has been changed as well. Watch a video of the new water show after the break. Read More