Freedom Prevailed: ‘The Interview’ Available to Watch Today on YouTube, Xbox & More Connor Behrens, December 24, 2014December 24, 2014 Last week Sony Pictures announced that the highly anticipated comedy The Interview would be pulled from theaters. Beforehand, Sony had allowed theater chains to pull the film in light of terrorist threats from a group of hackers. But, freedom has prevailed! You will be able to see The Interview streaming NOW on YouTube, Google Play and Xbox. You can also be see it in limited theaters tomorrow.Starting today, Sony will give you the option of renting the film on YouTube, Google Play and Xbox for $5.99. The streams start at 1pm Eastern time today, with an official website set up for anyone who may not have access to those services. The film is also having a limited theatrical release, starting tomorrow and continuing throughout December. There are also rumblings that Sony is considering releasing the film through Netflix. Sony is obviously trying to make the very best of a bad situation, releasing the film through online services and having a limited theatrical release might allow the studio to break even in their profits.And while the film will be released online, actor Seth Rogen urges fans to try their best to see it in theaters. Regardless, ‘The Interview’ has gotten the marketing and publicity that many films only dream of, and I’m sure this is a film audiences will not forget in the coming years, given its controversial themes. Viral Marketing james francoSeth RogenSony PicturesThe Interview
New Study: Film Marketing and the ‘Net October 1, 2009Some interesting research has been released that speaks to the budding importance of viral marketing. According to Variety’s Marc Graser, film marketers are increasingly looking to the internet to promote upcoming movies. He cites a study by Stradella Road, which surveyed 1,547 moviegoers regarding their film consumption habits and where they… Read More
ARGs & Campaigns Warner Bros. Wants You To Prepare For “Into The Storm” March 25, 2014March 25, 2014This is some very resourceful marketing. To hype up the release of it’s first trailer in theaters March 28, Into the Storm has sent out a handy-dandy survival kit. Warner Bros. has put together an emergency preparedness kit filled with glowsticks (for lighting the way not rave dancing), water, tools… Read More
IndieGoGo Campaign Looks For Help Funding The Independent Horror Film, “Charlie” January 16, 2013January 16, 2013Independent film director Louis Wong turns to the online community to help fund the final steps of post-production on his new horror film, “Charlie”. If you’ve ever dreamed of seeing your name on the big screen, illuminating a darkened theater at a Midnight showing, then this IndieGoGo campaign is for… Read More