Indominus Rex Teased On ‘Jurassic World’ Viral Website Michael Lee, January 29, 2015January 29, 2015 Though we got to see only a couple of dinosaurs in the first trailer for Colin Treverrow’s Jurassic World, we never got to see the hybrid dinosaur that Bryce Dallas Howard’s character “cooked up.” Well it looks like that may change. The site sat practically unnoticed since the debut of the first trailer, and now it has been updated with some very exciting teases of the mysterious, deadly Indominus Rex. Other additions include information on other dinosaurs such as the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the Triceratops, and more. Hit the jump to check out the first images of the Indominus Rex as well as other information about the park.The newly update site acts more like a theme park website than it’s predecessor. It comes with the information you may need in order to plan out your day if you were to attend the park like operation hours, theme park map, hotels, monorail schedules, etc.Credit to ScreenCrush for finding the update. According to the film site, the Indominus Rex’s name means fierce or untamable king. It is a forty foot beast, whose creation was in the John Hammond lab, and his habitat is on the Jurassic World Island. Here’s how the site describes him,We set out to make Indominus the most fearsome dinosaur ever to be displayed at Jurassic World. The genetic engineers at our Hammond Creation Lab have more than delivered.At first glance, Indominus most closely resembles a T. Rex. But its distinctive head ornamentation and ultra-tough bony osteoderms can be traced from Theropods known as Abeliosaurs. Indominus’ horns have been placed above the eye orbit through genetic material hybridized from Carnotaurus, Majungasaurus, Rugops and Giganotosaurus. Fearsome indeed.Indominus’ roar is estimated to reach 140-160db—the same as a 747 taking off and landing. And it can reach speeds of 30 mph…while confined to its enclosure. Come experience Indominus Rex for yourself beginning this summer. If you dare.I can’t be sure if Chris Pratt and a score of raptors will be enough to defeat such a dinosaur. But who knows, maybe we will see him ride a tamed T-Rex to fight the Indominus. How exciting would that be?Jurassic World opens June 12. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral News Jurassic WorldUniversal Pictures
“Apollo 18” Writer to Rewrite Reddit Story-Turned-Film “Rome Sweet Rome” January 15, 2013January 15, 2013It’s been awhile since we’ve provided an update on Rome Sweet Rome, the in-development Warner Bros. film based on a story on Reddit. Variety is reporting that Apollo 18 screenwriter Brian Miller has been brought on for a fresh rewrite. Get the details after the break. Read More
10 Awesome Uses of Augmented Reality Marketing December 27, 2009December 27, 2009Mashable has collected a nice little list of 10 innovative ways augmented reality has been used for marketing. While many of the items on the list are for regular products like cars and feminine hygiene (no joke), but of course there are some examples of films using it, as we… Read More
“Skyline” Takes To YouTube For Final Marketing Push November 12, 2010November 12, 2010Universal Pictures’ and Rogue’s Skyline takes the latest trend in movies choosing high concept plots and stunning visuals over big names and takes it to the next level. The most recognizable name in the credits for this alien invasion film is probably Donald Faison of Scrubs fame, but the impressive… Read More