Inception Viral: Dream-Share For Dummies Scott Caldwell, June 1, 2010June 12, 2010 Looks like a new piece of the Inception puzzle, well in this case, user’s guide has been discovered. WIRED was sent a package containing a beat to hell guide that discusses a “Dream-Share Tactical Employment Procedures”. It basically goes through the steps needed to capture your patient, strap him/her to a chair, and get to work, all while using glorious 50’s style artwork. So based on the age of the manual, and of the military talk we’ve heard of before, just exactly how long have they been doing this? Take a look at some images after the jump While nothing major is brought out, it seems like all of these masked pages lead to to one thing at the end of the book. The PASIV Device, which, we’ve shown you before, here. I guess this piece of viral info is more along the lines of a “prequel” to what we have seen so far. Maybe Nolan is busting out a Memento style campaign where we work backwards? One particular note, is some of the pages seem to be very reminiscent of stills from the trailer/movie. Take a look and see if you see it too. Maybe Leo's Character? Does this give you any more of an idea of we are heading for when the film comes out July 16th? Do the images portray any type of history? Maybe a comic series is on the way? I guess we’ll wait and see. Take a look at the Inception ellen page for all things related. and Firstshowing for retweeting Viral Marketing Dream MachineInception
“Star Trek Into Darkness” Villain Takes a Page from General Zod in Viral Video April 20, 2013April 20, 2013It’s easy to forget that Summer blockbuster movies open internationally, especially when the marketing that is not often tailored to them. Paramount’s Star Trek Into Darkness, however, has a viral video on a few international versions of Yahoo! and official Facebook pages where the antagonist John Harrison (played by Benedict… Read More
Viral Video for Toy Story 3 Discovered April 26, 2010April 26, 2010It looks like the guys behind Toy Story 3 aren’t happy just riding the franchise’s existing popularity to the bank. Pixar has been doing some interesting marketing for the film, and that looks to be continuing with a viral video that shows a 1983 commercial for the “Lots-o’-Huggin’ Bear”, which… Read More
New District 9 Videos on YouTube June 24, 2009July 3, 2009So, I’m surfing YouTube at 1:00 AM and I notice that Sony Pictures has an MNU video on their YouTube page. Then I go to their page and realize there are actually three new District 9 videos in the last 24 hours. Here are all three videos: The first video… Read More
In the trailer, LC’s character says “Never recreate from your memory, alwaysd imagine new places.”In the fourth “Enviroment Creation” page, there is a picture of New York (?), crossed out. Maybe this is related?Probably not that important, just something I noticed.