Predators Website Has New Features and Games Kris, June 30, 2010 A while back, the Predators website debuted with the promise of interesting features. There has been some anticipation on exactly what these features were. Fortunately, two have been activated, and both are definitely not for anyone who doesn’t like highly NSFW images. Get ready to slash a site and loose your friends to predators after the jump. The first one to be opened is a “Predator or Prey” feature. Basically, you select a few friends from Facebook (or just go along with the mercenaries) and see if you can either be a victorious predator, or a losing human. I took the MovieViral human staff to help me face off the hunters, but they didn’t make it. Whether your team wins or loses looks to be random, and there is no real “gameplay” involved. The next one is “Predator Tools,” in which you use the many weapons of the predator to destroy a website of your choosing. What could I possibly do more to than take out the staff? I’m so fired. Predators, produced by Robert Rodriguez and starring Adrien Brody, Topher Grace, and Laurence Fishburne, opens July 9th. Viral Marketing FacebookGamePredators
Check Out The New Motion Poster for ‘Conan the Barbarian’ March 3, 2011We may not have a trailer yet for the upcoming action flick Conan the Barbarian, but the remake to the 1982 film that starred Arnold Schwarzenegger now has a motion poster featuring the new Conan, Jason Momoa. See if for yourself after the break. Read More
South Park Takes on Tron, Facebook, and Chat Roulette April 8, 2010Last night, South Park‘s newest episode, “You Have 0 Friends”, tackled the subject of social networking, and once again, they did it brilliantly. All of Stan’s friends are on Facebook, but Stan wants to do real things, like play video games. However, once his friends surprise him with an account,… Read More
Super 8 Viral: Rocket Poppeteers Certificates Mailed Out December 22, 2010You may have forgotten by now, but you were probably one of the smart people who signed up to become a Rocket Poppeteers astronaut at the end of July. After many months of waiting, it looks like some candidates have been accepted into the training program, as they got mailed… Read More