Watch a Live Webcast for “The Social Network” On MySpace Dan Koelsch, September 25, 2010September 26, 2010 Talk about a perfect idea. Columbia Pictures is having a live webcast on Sunday, September 26th (tomorrow!) for The Social Network, and it will be on the film’s MySpace page. This is quite the jab at Facebook, as the film is a dramatization of the sordid rise of the 2nd biggest website in the world, and it usurped MySpace as the go-to place for social networking. Get more details after the break. The webcast starts at 5:30pm Eastern (2:30pm Pacific), and will have stars Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, Armie Hammer, and Justin Timberlake along with screenwriter Aaron Sorkin. They’ll be doing a Q&A hosted by Olivia Munn, so it should be worth checking out. Until then, watch one of the recent TV spots below. Side note: MySpace is currently the 34th top site in the world. Social Networks Viral Marketing FacebookMySpaceThe Social NetworkWebcast
Vote For Your Favorites in This “The Dark Knight Rises” T-Shirt Contest! April 5, 2012April 5, 2012Warner Bros. and Design By Humans, an “ongoing t-shirt design competition and community”, have teamed up to bring fans of Chris Nolan’s Batman franchise the chance to design a t-shirt inspired by the upcoming final chapter, The Dark Knight Rises. The winning designer will get money and stuff, but the… Read More
Tron Legacy: What You Get For Playing The Game February 24, 2010December 1, 2010Right now cities around the world have locations in arcades where you can get a code for the new Tron Legacy Flynn Lives ARG. The question is, what is the experience like, and what exactly do you get? Luckily we have a play-by-play by a player (or “operative”) who got… Read More
Indie Viral: Paul Giamatti’s Cold Souls July 18, 2009July 18, 2009Do you know what this film is? Have you seen the trailer? Our good friends over at FirstShowing have been following Cold Souls for a while, and today they dug up some viral for the flick. The film’s synopsis is as follows: Paralyzed with anxiety over an upcoming role, Paul… Read More
That is absolutely hilarious that the movie The Social Network would have a MySpace page. Especially since it retells the story of the creators of Facebook and their rise to wealth from their Harvard dorm room.