Toy Story 3 Oscar Campaign Gets Noticed Dan Koelsch, December 28, 2010 Almost every film with a shot at an Oscar (and even some that don’t) starts a campaign around this time of year for their respective category. Usually they are simple and uninteresting, thus go unnoticed. However, Disney’s Best Picture campaign for Toy Story 3 is drawing attention for its unique take. Take a look at the ads for yourself after the break. The ads (some of which you can click on below to see in full) use the phrase “not since…” to compare the film’s great reviews (99% on Rotten Tomatoes) to critically acclaimed Best Picture winners that had an underdog status like Toy Story 3, which has an uphill battle being both a sequel and an animated film. What do you think of the campaign? Let us know in the comments below. You can find all the different ads in the campaign at /Film and Disney. Viral Marketing Academy AwardsawardsDisneyOscarsPixarToy Story 3
Tron Legacy Site Reveals Cities, But Why? February 19, 2010August 17, 2010Update: The list of cities has been updated to include the missing city and to replace one. As we reported yesterday, the Zero Hour website for Tron Legacy not only has a coded countdown, but also a block of text slowly being revealed. Now we know that the text is… Read More
It’s Official: J.J. Abrams’ Super 8 is About Area 51, Will Team Up With Steven Spielberg May 6, 2010May 6, 2010Despite a comment on our forums, I really didn’t see this coming. Some theaters had exclusive showings of Iron Man 2 for their employees and select people tonight at midnight, and the Super 8 teaser trailer was shown as well. After we confirmed that the secret film being produced by… Read More
Super 8: STIES Site Has Updated Printout October 15, 2010Briefly: The printout available on has been updated to include the line “Meet me at 4D and 5O’s last leg. Bring the foghorn and the unexpected title.” Check out Unfiction on speculation as to what this could mean for the Super 8 ARG, though we have yet to figure… Read More