Latest “Apollo 18” Document Shows Intelligent Life Found On Mission Dan Koelsch, March 23, 2011 When we last left off with the Apollo 18 viral, it looked like the final preparations for the Apollo 18 mission were in place, and now it seems we have the interesting results of the voyage. Check out the new document image from Cerberus Station 9 after the break. In this letter to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, procedures for sightings of intelligent life are being put into place, which means everything from the mission is getting analyzed, and everything is Top Secret. Air Force Regulation 55-88 (CIRVIS) under JANAP 146 is in place, which is a real thing that you can read about here. The document talks about sending evidence (including most likely the camera and footage that becomes the film) to William-Patterson Air Force Base, but there is no such place as far as I could tell. There’s a Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio, so they could have meant that. Interestingly, that particular base has played a role in the viral campaign for Super 8, as well being mentioned in the original teaser trailer.The password to open the document, titled “as18”, is “surveillance”, as found by MovieWeb. For more information on the film and its viral campaign, check out our Apollo 18 Viral Page. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Apollo 18Cerberus Station 9Super 8
District 9 Official Site Walkthrough June 10, 2009June 17, 2009Through their Twitter account, the folks doing the marketing for District 9 revealed today that the official website is finally live. Read More
Oscars App Updated For 2011 January 30, 2011Want to learn more about the Oscars and the nominees? Want to make your predictions and automatically update your score live during the ceremony? Well, then you’re in luck, because the iPhone/iPod Touch App for The Academy Awards have been updated for this year’s event. Read More
J.K. Rowling’s “Pottermore” Revealed! [Updated] June 22, 2011June 23, 2011Late last week the internet was buzzing about a new Harry Potter project that will be officially announced by J.K. Rowling tomorrow. Thanks to a leaked memo regarding the project, we have learned exactly what Pottermore is. Read More
This whole movie is pure fiction fyi. Take it from a man that works for NASA and the military. Its pure publicity LMAO!