Viral Video Round Up: Moneyball, The Riddler, Empire Strikes Back, Julia Roberts, And More! Zach Oldenburg, October 9, 2011October 18, 2011 The first ever cat premiere? Not thank you, Puss In Boots. What if Moneyball was a story about having too much money? This dog is legitimately terrified of Julia Roberts. Poor thing… Jon Daly kills it again with this character mash-up of Bill Cosby and Charles Bukowski. Is it Invisilign braces?If you have any viral videos you’d like to suggest, then you can contact me via Twitter or e-mail me directly at zacholdenburg@movieviral.comPages: 1 2 Fan Made Work Features News Social Networks Viral Marketing Viral News Viral Videos battlebill cosbycatdark knightDarth VaderdogEmpire Strikes Backfarisjon dalyjulia robertsluke skywalkerMoneyballPuss in Bootssuperman vs hulkthe riddlerViral Video Round Upyankees
Tron Legacy – Video Game November 25, 2009November 25, 2009What do you get when you take a film that’s based on real life video games and make it a video game? A video game! That’s exactly what you’ll get with the release of Tron. Notice it’s missing the “Legacy” part. Perhaps it’s not solely based on the movie. Maybe… Read More
New “Elysium” Viral Website Introduces Us to the Civil Cooperation Bureau April 24, 2013April 25, 2013The viral campaign for Neill Blomkamp’s Elysium continues with yet another viral website. We already have a few viral websites at the moment, with and, but now Sony has expanded the online world to include the Civil Cooperation Bureau. Get the details after the break. Read More
Comic-Con 2013: “Ender’s Game” Panel Coverage, Footage Reaction, & Harrison Ford July 18, 2013July 18, 2013The 2013 San Diego Comic-Con officially kicked off it’s festivities with a few smaller panels for geek-related films, but the one panel that everyone must have been waiting for is Ender’s Game. Based on the Orson Scott Card novel of the same name, Ender’s Game follows the story of the… Read More