Mysterious Hard Copy Report Found on “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” Viral Site Michael Lee, December 6, 2011December 6, 2011 If any of you can actually recall what Hard Copy was, then this report is for you. No, the news broadcast that sensationalized and sometimes over-dramatized reports with graphic depictions of death isn’t coming back to report today’s horrific news. Instead Hard Copy has come back for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo viral. Hit the jump to see the details of the latest viral video for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and updates on both mouth-taped-shut and whatishiddeninsnow.The people behind The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo viral has gone all out with this one. Not only did they use the same storytelling in all segments of Hard Copy, the even used the same opening. The video was discovered on the whatishiddeninsnow site (via cinemablend) and focuses on the murder of Harriet Vanger, a vital plot point of the movie. So choosing Hard Copy as the show to report on Vanger’s death was perfect, because none of the characters were born during the time of Vanger’s disappearance. The video is also an excellent way to prepare for the movie if they haven’t already familiarized themselves with the novels or the Swedish movie adaptations.The latest updates to whatishiddeninsnow has revealed even more flowers, plus Lisabeth’s jacket & ID, Lisabeth’s shirt, plus an actual VHS tape of the Hard Copy segment aforementioned. There are still seven more flowers and two slightly larger items up for grabs. This Girl with the Dragon Tattoo directed by David Fincher, is set to be released on December 21, stars Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara, Christopher Plummer, Stellan Skarsgard, Robin Wright and Joely Richardson. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral News Columbia PicturesMouth-Taped-Shut.comSony PicturesThe Girl with the Dragon Tattoowhatishiddeninsnow
Cedar Rapids: Deanzie’s Guide To ‘Business’ Conventions February 1, 2011Fox Searchlight’s comedy Cedar Rapids debuted to mostly positive reviews at the Sundance Film Festival last week. They started some viral goodies for us, and now they have expanded to include another website, this time focusing on John C. Reilly’s character Dean Ziegler. Read More
Contest: Win an Avengers Sweatshirt and Flash Drive! April 21, 2012April 24, 2012Marvel’s The Avengers opens in US theaters in less than two weeks. To celebrate, we have a contest where you can win a size small zip-up Avengers sweatshirt and a 1GB S.H.I.E.L.D. USB flash drive! Get the details after the break. Read More
Editorial: Why Sony has done everything right June 17, 2009January 16, 2010If you haven’t read it yet, I suggest you check out Matt’s article entitled “Why can’t Sony do anything right?“. Now, as I do respect Matt’s opinion, I would just like to take a few minutes and explain why he’s wrong. Now even though I think Matt is wrong about his… Read More