“The Guilt Trip” Asks “Why Did I Teach My Mom To Text”? Dan Koelsch, December 2, 2012December 2, 2012 The Guilt Trip is a comedy about an inventor (played by Seth Rogen) who takes his mother (Barbara Streisand) on a road trip to sell his new invention. Obviously, travelling with your mother when you are a grown man can be difficult, and the film has tapped into that by creating a tumblr site called Why Did I Teach My Mom To Text? The site’s posts are in the style we’ve seen on Damn You Auto Correct! and Text From Dog. Take a look at a few of mom’s texts after the break. The Guilt Trip is directed by Anne Fletcher and written by Dan Fogelman. Paramount Pictures releases the film on December 19th. Social Networks Viral Marketing The Guilt TripTumblr
Cracked’s List Shows How A Viral Can Backfire June 18, 2010When it comes to alternate reality games, the more believable and interactive, the better. It’s wonderful experience we love, except for when it backfires.I’m not talking about when its structured sloppy, I mean when it is far too real for its own good. Cracked made a list that covers such… Read More
Exclusive 2012 Posters August 27, 2009August 27, 2009Sony Pictures had a tweet today in regards to “Rio, D.C. and L.A. get destroyed”. Click on the link, and sure enough, they are all being destroyed. Then again, during the apocalypse, not much is safe. Take a look at these great posters. The end of the world is coming… Read More
“Godzilla” Viral Review May 21, 2014May 21, 2014Godzilla was pretty much on everybody’s most anticipated lists of 2014 -read our glowing review of the film here. The idea of bringing back one of film’s most iconic creatures after a 16 year absence since the disastrous 1998 film directed by Roland Emmerich, was a pretty big gamble. Not… Read More