Legendary Pictures Announces New King Kong Movie “Skull Island” Michael Lee, July 26, 2014July 26, 2014 Briefly: Normally studio panels at comic con like to go out with a big bang, and Legendary Pictures are living up to their names with the new Warcraft and Godzilla 2 announcements. But just before they closed out their panel, the studio announced that they would be doing a new King Kong movie titled Skull Island. Based on that title alone, it seems the film won’t be just another iteration of King Kong, but rather all of the other creaters and inhabitants on the island.The film has just been announced, so it is still in the early phases of production. For now the studio is tinkering with it, and a full cast and director should be announced once they figure out the logistics to the film. Comic-Con Events Comic Con 2014King KongLegendary PicturesSkull IslandThomas Tull
“Back To The Future” Fan Event To Erect Hill Valley In London June 3, 2014June 3, 2014The Back To The Future Hill Valley on the Universal Studios Backlot is as about as close as you can get to setting foot into the fictional town. Oh yeah, you can’t actually step foot into it considering you are in a tram. But a new fan experience is coming… Read More
Spend Your Comic-Con Saturday Night In A Haunted House Courtesy Of Dread Central July 12, 2013July 12, 2013Last month, I had an opportunity to watch the James Wan‘s fantastic new horror, The Conjuring, you can read my review of the film here. But for those who are attending the San Diego Comic-Con, will possibly miss the film, which shares its opening weekend with the biggest geek gathering…. Read More
“The Amazing Spider-Man” Viral Campaign Slings Into WonderCon March 18, 2012March 21, 2012As was to be be expected, the viral campaign for Columbia Pictures’ The Amazing Spider-Man picked up some steam at WonderCon this weekend. In conjunction with Sony’s panel yesterday afternoon, there were a few updates to the campaign. Get the details after the break. Read More