“The Inspector Spacetime Movie” Enlists Surprise Guest Stars Sabina, March 13, 2014March 13, 2014 After SEASON 1 of an Untitled Web Series About A Space Traveler Who Can Also Travel Through Time became a smash hit due to the demand fans had for more after its appearance on Community, the satire of the show about a certain Doctor found new life on the web. A…
Aaron Paul Talks “Need For Speed”, His “Price Is Right” Appearance, Better Call Saul, And More Michael Lee, March 10, 2014 Aaron Paul is just one of those actors who started off with humble beginings. From small time commericals like Juicy Fruit to appearing in The Price Is Right, the actor has come a long way before winning two Emmys for his work on Breaking Bad. Now he is taking the…
Scott Waugh Talks Directing “Need For Speed,” Visulizing Stunts, Car Crashes, Bets With Aaron Paul, And More Michael Lee, March 7, 2014March 7, 2014 Born into the stunt and action movie business, you can say that big movie stunts runs in Need For Speed director Scott Waugh‘s veins. His experience working with his father was at the golden age of stunts, where no CGI or green screen was necessary. Now Scott wants to bring…
“Transformers: Age Of Extinction” Trailer Preview And Poster Debut Michael Lee, March 3, 2014 We all have opinions on the trailer preview, some may like it, others think its a nuisance. However you may feel about it, the trailer previews show no signs of going away any time soon. But some of them are a hit, like the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer preview,…
“Godzilla” Trailer: You’re Hiding Something Out There Michael Lee, February 25, 2014February 25, 2014 So after a couple of small viral campaigns to drive up some anticipation, Warner Bros. has released the first full trailer for Godzilla. Hit the jump to see it.