The Galinka Project – Viral Site For ‘Hanna’ Scott Caldwell, April 2, 2011April 2, 2011 With the film’s release just a week away, I wish we noticed this site for Hanna a bit sooner, but who are we to complain. Well, we do that a lot, but that’s not the point. We were sent some information today on a site known as The Galinka Project,…
Harry Potter Viral: Get Your Broom, The Quidditch Tourament Hits L.A. Michael Lee, March 31, 2011March 31, 2011 Quidditch isn’t just a game your read about in books. It is a game were you run, throw, catch, sweat, and occasionally get hit in the crotch. To read more about this game hit the jump.
Second “Tron 3” Teaser Now Online Dan Koelsch, March 28, 2011March 29, 2011 The Tron: Legacy Blu-Ray (out on April 5th) promises to have several easter eggs, as would be expected from a film with just a vast viral campaign. We’ve already been leaked a ten minute short film titled “The Next Day”, which both fills in the gap between the two Tron…
Bad News: “Apollo 18” Moved To January 2012 Dan Koelsch, March 25, 2011 Briefly: Despite already having one delay and a theatrical trailer, we just got word from Deadline (via FirstShowing) that the Weinstein Company’s found footage sci-fi thriller Apollo 18 has been pushed back from its recent April 22nd opening date all the way to January 6th, 2012. There’s no reason given…
Sneak Peak of “Captain America” Trailer Revealed On TwitVid (Updated With Trailer) Dan Koelsch, March 22, 2011March 23, 2011 It looks like Paramount has created a new strategy of using Twitvid to premiere elements some of their more secretive projects to the social media masses. First it was the full trailer for Super 8, and now it’s a quick six seconds of what will be the first theatrical trailer…