Movie Rights For “Dead Island” Goes From Sold To Not Sold Michael Lee, February 21, 2011February 21, 2011 The movie blogs erupted when it was reported that Sean Daniel, movie producer of 20 years, purchased the rights to produce Dead Island after the announcement trailer went viral. This reaction might of caused some confusion for the game’s publisher Deep Silver, because they never sold the rights to anyone…
The Countdown Is Over: The “Apollo 18” Trailer Is Here! Scott Caldwell, February 18, 2011February 18, 2011 Over the past couple of days, the Apollo 18 Twitter account has had a countdown, leading up to the trailer. The countdown is finally over, and the trailer is here for all to see. Continue on to see the trailer!
The Buzz: Wonder Woman, Iron Man 3, Scorcese and DiCaprio, Michael Emerson, Superboy, and More, February 18, 2011 The Buzz is a feature in which we round up the biggest and most popular film and television stories of the week. Why go through pages of blogs just to find out what everyone is talking about? We’ve got it all right here. Check out all the stories after the…
“Thor” Movie Trailer #2 Michael Lee, February 17, 2011February 17, 2011 Marvel Studios and Paramount Pictures have released the second trailer for Thor. This trailer features more footage than we had ever seen so far, probably because most of the footage stemmed from the Comic-Con trailer alone. That being said, it is an amazing trailer filled with Frost Giant Battles, epic…
“Apollo 18” Trailer to Debut This Weekend In Front of “I Am Number Four” Dan Koelsch, February 17, 2011February 18, 2011 It was not as exciting as we were hoping, but the film’s Twitter account has announced that the first trailer for Apollo 18 will be shown in front of Touchstone Pictures’ I Am Number Four, which opens in theaters tomorrow. If you see the trailer this weekend, let us know…