Vitaliy’s ‘TRON: Legacy’ Score Now On iTunes Dan Koelsch, November 8, 2010 Back in May, we told you about Vitaliy Zavadskyy, a composer who has used YouTube to showcase his fan-made soundtracks to mostly scif-fi/action films. His electronic musical style fits perfectly for the genre, as is shown by his Avatar score getting over one million views. His TRON: Legacy score is…
Video: The President Hasn’t Seen Rocky Dan Koelsch, November 8, 2010 There are two things people are passionate about: Films and politics (OK, maybe there are few other things too). CollegeHumor mixes the two together in their latest original video, as the President (played by Patrick Warburton) admits during a press conference that he has never seen Rocky. The press in…
First Promo Image From Star Trek Sequel Leaks, Or Does It? Dan Koelsch, November 6, 2010 A story beginning to make some headway amongst the film blogs is a particular image that has found by Collider. It looks to be some sort of promotional image regarding Star Trek and 2012, but the actual purpose for the image is unknown. Take a look after the jump.
Discovery Networks Explains Chaplin’s Time Traveler Video Dan Koelsch, November 5, 2010 Last week we brought you the story of the “Charlie Chaplin Time Traveler“. Footage from 1928 showed a woman who was holding something up to her ear, and filmmaker George Clarke layed out his case for why he thinks she’s a time traveler with a cell phone. Discovery Networks decided…
Viral Video: How ‘The Social Network’ Should Have Ended Dan Koelsch, November 5, 2010 The guys at How It Should Have Ended are at it again, giving us an animated take on how The Social Network should have gone. It’s actually pretty funny and is one of the few parodies to actually take on the film itself. Take a look after the break.