Viral Video: How ‘The Social Network’ Should Have Ended Dan Koelsch, November 5, 2010 The guys at How It Should Have Ended are at it again, giving us an animated take on how The Social Network should have gone. It’s actually pretty funny and is one of the few parodies to actually take on the film itself. Take a look after the break. Viral News Viral Videos How It Should Have EndedThe Social NetworkViral video
“Skyline” Takes To YouTube For Final Marketing Push November 12, 2010November 12, 2010Universal Pictures’ and Rogue’s Skyline takes the latest trend in movies choosing high concept plots and stunning visuals over big names and takes it to the next level. The most recognizable name in the credits for this alien invasion film is probably Donald Faison of Scrubs fame, but the impressive… Read More
“The Hunger Games” Viral Adds District Seals October 4, 2011October 6, 2011The Hunger Games viral hasn’t seen too much activity since its launch a few months ago. But now site has been making a few updates. When you enter the site and scroll over to the right, you will notice district numbers on the official calendar. These posts tell you… Read More
Kung Fu Panda Karate Chops YouTube May 12, 2011May 26th sees the theatrical release of Kung Fu Panda 2, the sequel to the hit animated film from 2008. To promote the release, Dreamworks Animation has gotten social media experts The Visionaire Group to help Po showcase his skills on YouTube. Get the full details after the break. Read More