Viral Video: Dancing at the Movies Dan Koelsch, October 17, 2010 Here’s a little lift to start your Sunday. A company called Media Solutions has put together a great music video for Kenny Loggins’ “Footloose” that showcases dancing throughout film history. With almost 3 million views and only 38 “thumbs down” on YouTube, you should definitely get a kick out of…
“Paranormal Activity 2″ Viral: Confusing… Or Working? Scott Caldwell, October 15, 2010October 18, 2010 I’m just going to get this out in the open. There is no reason for me to lie to you. We’ve know each other for a long time, so here it is. What in the hell is going on with Paranormal Activity 2? I’m serious. I have no idea what…
Twitter Campaign Started To Get Nathan Fillion Cast As Lead In “Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune” Movie Dan Koelsch, October 14, 2010 Last Friday it was announced that Sony Pictures would be making a movie version of the hit Playstation 3 game Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. David O. Russell (Three Kings, The Fighter) is directing, the big question is who will play title character Nathan Drake.
“They’re Here,” and They Have Been For a While Nick Butler, October 9, 2010 The countdown for “They’re Here” ended tonight and the wait is finally over. So, what was it; An independent film about aliens invading earth? A cool promotion for an upcoming Hollywood blockbuster? Nope. It was something even better. Find out and watch the movie after the break.
Captain Jack Sparrow Surprises Students Looking to Mutiny Against Teachers Dan Koelsch, October 9, 2010 Captain Jack Sparrow took a slight detour in his sails to the farthest reaches of Earth. Johnny Depp, star of Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, stopped by a primary school in England as the famed Captain after nine-year-old Beatrice wrote to Jack asking him to help them mutiny against…