The mystery continues tomorrow night as the second episode of NBC’s new show The Event hopes to begin shining some light on just what “the event” is. Until then, the TruthSeeker Blog has been updated with emails from passengers on the ill-fated Avias Flight 514, as well as some photos…
Category: ARGs & Campaigns
News on ARGs and viral campaigns for film and television.
The Event: New Blog Post From The TruthSeeker
The Event premiered last night on NBC to decent ratings and mixed reviews. The viral campaign (which we reported on yesterday) is now in full swing as The Truthseeker updates his blog. Also, a few Twitter updates give us clues into the characters. Obviously, a few spoilers abound after the…
NBC’s ‘The Event’ Adds Character Twitters and New Viral Website
The Event premieres tonight on NBC, and if the mystery grabs you, there are some crafty online options for you to peel away the secrecy. First of all, many of the big characters have their own Twitter accounts. Also, a blog has been created for someone who is seeking the…
Read Castle’s Twitter Story “The Case of the Fallen Angel”
This year’s Comic-Con panel for ABC’s hit show Castle revealed a new Twitter narrative titled “The Case of the Fallen Angel”. The show has been using the Twitter account regularly for title character Richard Castle since the first season, and even had a similar narrative during last year’s summer break….
Super 8 Viral Update: Audio Folder and New Print Out
While the latest flare in the Super 8 viral campaign has been the updates to the Rocket Poppeteers website (along with the ice cream’s presence at Comic-Con), there’s still that pesky remote computer on Scariest Thing I Ever Saw (STIES). The PDP 11 computer now has a new print out…