Hear The Awesome Full Soundtrack For Cinemax’s “The Knick” Kevin C, August 22, 2014August 22, 2014 While we turn our attention to a movie series Clive Owen used to be a part of, a very interesting development has happened with his current project. Owen stars in the Cinemax show The Knick, about New York’s Knickerbocker Hospital during the turn of the twentieth century. The entire show’s…
“Sin City: A Dame to Kill For” Review – Is This A Sequel To Kill For? Kevin C, August 22, 2014 A total of nine years has passed since the first Sin City was unleashed on us. That movie was an incredible mix of world building, stylish use of CGI, and characters that just lept from the screen. Now, many of the characters we enjoyed are back, with the same visual…
China To Test Seat Sensors In Movie Theaters That Will Give Audiences An Excuse To Text During A Movie Michael Lee, August 22, 2014August 22, 2014 Okay, we’ve all heard stories about how people get mad at other members of the audience who text or call during a movie. It’s pretty inappropriate. They don’t like seeing a phone light casting a signal or listening to another person’s conversation. In fact the Alamo Drafthouse makes it a…
Aaron Paul Holds A “Breaking Bad” Scavenger Hunt Prior To The Emmys Michael Lee, August 20, 2014August 20, 2014 Aaron Paul really loves his fans. Surprising people who are touring his neighbor hood, helping out Omaze, or hosting advanced screenings of his films like Need For Speed. Whatever it is, the guy is pretty cool, and he is proving how cool he is by hosting a Breaking Bad-themed scavenger…
Viral Video: Honest Trailers For “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” Michael Lee, August 19, 2014 There are three types of parody trailers and film summaries: Cinema Sins, How It Should Have Ended, and Honest Trailers. We’ve seen many types of these videos for various films, and it shouldn’t be the least bit surprising that we have one for Captain America: The Winter Soldier. We already…