News Watch The New ‘Poltergeist’ Trailer And Find Out Who Died In Your House Christopher Moore, February 5, 2015 IT’S HERE!!! The new trailer for the remake of Poltergeist has finally hit the internet. Even if you’re a die hard fan of the original horror classic, this remake does look pretty creepy and seems to have a few extra scares than the first. After the jump, check out the…
‘Furious 7’ Trailer Races, Punches, Explodes, And Flies To Epic Glory Michael Lee, February 5, 2015February 5, 2015 Universal is really putting their marketing for Furious 7 into high gear, and if you wanted to see more from the Super Bowl spot, then you are going to get it thanks to a brand new trailer.
News ‘Jurassic World’ Site Now Has Live Park Cams Christopher Moore, February 2, 2015 With only a few months until the new Jurassic World movie hits theaters, Universal Pictures just added an interesting feature to the movie’s website. It now has a Park Cam page, where you can view live feeds from the dinosaur park. After the jump, you can find out more…
News Check Out The ‘Insurgent’ Pre-Game Trailer Sabina, February 1, 2015 Guess who also doesn’t have strings? Shailenne Woodley lets loose in the action packed ‘Insurgent’ trailer that played before the game. Check it out after the jump!
‘Pitch Perfect 2’ Super Bowl Ad: How Barden Bellas Won The Super Bowl Michael Lee, February 1, 2015February 1, 2015 Hard to believe that something like Pitch Perfect would get world’s attention by storm. And it only seems right that they would flex their muscles on the world’s biggest stage: the Super Bowl. Universal has released a promo spot for Pitch Perfect 2, and while they might not have gotten…