Watchmen Premiere Weekend Dan Koelsch, March 6, 2009February 14, 2010 So, the premiere of Watchmen was last night at midnight. Most of you guys will be seeing it this weekend, so post a comment with your take on the film. Even better, go to the official thread in the forums and give us your review. I’ll mention comments and posts…
ViralCast #2: Member Conversations #1 Pt 2 Dan Koelsch, March 3, 2009February 21, 2010 Here it is, the moment you’ve all been waiting for…Part 2 of my podcast with Corey. Even though we recorded this just last week, it’ll sound dated because of all the District 9 updates in the past few days. Anyway, enjoy: Powered by
Cloverfield This Week In Viral – Cloverfield 2? Dan Koelsch, March 1, 2009February 2, 2025 That’s right, JJ Abrams spoke at WonderCon about the possibility of Cloverfield 2. Here is the video: Not much more than what he and Director Matt Reeves have said in the past, though it seems like they finally have a good idea for the sequel/spin off. Viral news on Angels…
ViralCast #2: Member Conversations #1 Dan Koelsch, February 26, 2009February 14, 2010 In our first Member Conversations ViralCast, we talk to Corey from the forums. We had such a great chat that we had to split it into two podcasts! So stay tuned for part 2 of the conversation in the coming days. Here is the podcast for Part 1 of my…
This Week In Viral – Nothing Big…Yet Dan Koelsch, February 22, 2009July 18, 2010 It’s been a relatively quiet week in viral campaigns, with just a few small updates to 2012, Angels & Demons, Terminator, and Watchmen. 2012 – The viral site has yet another Charlie Frost video, this time talking about an underground seed bank. Here’s the video: More viral news after…