“Dredd” Villain’s Backstory Explored in Motion Comic Prequel Caleb Hamilton, September 5, 2012December 28, 2012 Mega City One, a vast, violent metropolis where criminals rule the chaotic streets. The only force of order lies with the urban cops called “Judges” who possess the combined powers of judge, jury and (instant) executioner. Dredd (Karl Urban), the ultimate Judge, is challenged with stopping a dangerous drug epidemic…
Watch The “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” Motion Comic Online Dan Koelsch, June 20, 2012June 19, 2012 Briefly: Shock Till You Drop is hosting a three episode motion comic on their site for Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, complete with sound effects and musical score. The comic has a good visceral style, including the transition between panels. The novel-based film, written by the book’s author Seth Grahame-Smith, is…