“Dredd” Villain’s Backstory Explored in Motion Comic Prequel Caleb Hamilton, September 5, 2012December 28, 2012 Mega City One, a vast, violent metropolis where criminals rule the chaotic streets. The only force of order lies with the urban cops called “Judges” who possess the combined powers of judge, jury and (instant) executioner. Dredd (Karl Urban), the ultimate Judge, is challenged with stopping a dangerous drug epidemic that has users of “Slo-Mo” experiencing reality at a fraction of its normal speed. You can learn all about this drug’s supplier, Ma-Ma (Lena Headey), in a motion comic that serves as a prequel to the upcoming film. Check it out after the jump!While it could’ve been longer, this gives you a quick look at Ma-Ma’s past and her motivation for what she does in the movie. Will Judge Dredd be able to stop the distribution of “Slo-Mo” and take down Ma-Ma?Dredd 3D opens in theaters September 21st. Viral Marketing Viral Videos DreddDredd 3DLionsgatemotion comicViral marketingViral Videos
“The Signal” Trailer March 19, 2014If you thought you were agitated when the viral campaign for The Signal was launched, you are going to be even more agitated with its trailer. Not in a sense that you won’t see the movie, but the mystery surrounding both the film and viral campaign certainly has its intriguing… Read More
Kevin Smith’s ‘Tusk’ Gets A Medical Marijuana Dispensary Tie-In September 8, 2014January 15, 2023Kevin Smith isn’t one to be afraid to kiss and tell about his use of weed. Most of the time the characters in his films are using it. And now in the wake of Washington and Colorado legalizing weed, plus 23 other states legalizing it for medicinal purposes, Smith has… Read More
The #Super8Secret Revealed! June 7, 2011June 7, 2011Last Thursday, a new viral website popped up for J.J. Abrams’ sci-fi film Super 8 that begged the question, “What is the #Super8Secret?” With the film already shrouded in mystery, this seems like an odd addition to the viral campaign, but we waited impatiently until the secret was rumored to… Read More
That serves as a prequel to the upcoming film. Check it out after the jump. http://www.ignition-e.com/