“Tron: Uprising” Cartoon Set for 2012 Joey Sharpe, November 5, 2010 It seems as if Disney is going to make Tron fans happy once again. A while ago we were given the news that Disney would be making an animated television series called Tron: Uprising as part of their resurgence of Tron material headlined by TRON: Legacy. Thanks to Variety, we…
Disneyland’s ElecTRONica Starts Tonight, Video and Pictures Available Dan Koelsch, October 8, 2010January 20, 2012 Last month we told you how Disney was looking to promote and capitalize on the buzz for Tron Legacy by creating “ElecTRONica” in Disneyland’s California Adventure. Essentially turning the Hollywood backlot into a Tron party, the event started to tonight and we have more details, including video and photos, after…
Concept Art Revealed for Disneyland’s TRON Show, To Be Titled “ElecTRONica” Dan Koelsch, September 1, 2010 Early last month, we told you about how Disney was looking cross-promote the upcoming Tron Legacy with their Disneyland California Adventure park via a nighttime show of some sort. Now we have a few more details on the show, to be titled “ElecTRONica” (clever, no?), as well as pretty crazy…
Viral Video: Daft Tron By Eclectic Method Dan Koelsch, August 14, 2010 We have yet another Tron Legacy remix video, this time from London-based audio-visual act Eclectic Method. The video combines clips from the Tron Legacy trailers and the original Tron with Daft Punk music to create “Daft Tron”. Check it out after the break.
Two Short Tron Homage Videos Created For CGTalk: Tron FX Challenge Dan Koelsch, July 5, 2010July 5, 2010 Courtesy of One Cool Thing A Day, we have short video called “TRON Homage: Disc Battle”, and it’s just what it sounds like. After finding out it’s for CG Society’s CGTalk: Tron FX Challenge, we found another entry that is also pretty sweet. Watch the videos and get the full…