“Doctor Who” Informercial For TARDIS Dan Koelsch, December 26, 2010December 26, 2010 The BBC’s hit show Doctor Who has a pretty big cult following, so the contest they are doing is a perfect fit. The contest, hosted at WhereIsTheTardis.com, asks you the fan to create your own TARDIS (the time machine from the show), place it in a public location, and upload it. Go to the website for more details, and the winner gets a private screening of the show and over 100 DVDs. To promote the contest, the BBC America has made a spoof informercial, which you can see after the break. Source: io9 Contests Viral Marketing Viral Videos Doctor WhoInformercialViral video
Creator of “The Boondocks” Launches Kickstarter to Fund Live-Action ‘Uncle Ruckus’ Movie February 23, 2013February 23, 2013In November 2005, Aaron McGruder’s The Boondocks, an animated series based on his award-winning comic strip of the same name, premiered on Adult Swim. Centering on The Freemans, an African-American family that moved from the south side of Chicago, to the fictional, peaceful suburb of Woodcrest. With it’s many crazy… Read More
Morgan Freeman’s Reddit IAmA Underwhelms, Questions of Authenticity Arise [Updated] April 12, 2013April 12, 2013Last night, actor Morgan Freeman did an IAmA on the social news website Reddit to promote his upcoming film Oblivion. Many on the Internet, especially in the Reddit community, have a great fondness for Freeman, so it’s not surprising how popular the thread became (around 15,000 comments as of this… Read More
Would You Spend $67 on a Book About Alternate Reality Games? December 17, 2009December 17, 2009No need to clean your glasses, you read that headline right. There have been books and guides on Alternate Reality Games before, but the newest one carries a doozy of a price. The book, offered on Amazon, was released on November 23rd, and has the exceptionally long title “Alternate Reality… Read More