42 Entertainment Is NOT Working On “The Dark Knight Rises” Viral Campaign (Updated x2) Dan Koelsch, June 2, 2011June 3, 2011 UPDATE: Hit the jump to read an important update to this story!Briefly: While this may not come as a surprise (based on quality and Peter from /Film even mentioning it in a tweet yesterday), we have gotten confirmation from a source that choses to remain anonymous that 42 Entertainment will not being running the viral campaign for Warner Bros.’ The Dark Knight Rises. This will disappoint many fans who followed the viral marketing company’s exquisite execution of the “Why So Serious?” campaign for The Dark Knight. While the reason for the WB not chosing 42E for TDKR is unknown, my source tells me that the individuals who actually worked on the WSS campaign are no longer with 42 Entertainment, so that may have something to do with it. Will you still follow an ARG for the new Batman film if 42E isn’t behind it? 1pm PT – I was just contacted by someone who works with 42 Entertainment who tells me that all the major individuals (producers, writers, etc.) who worked on the Why So Serious campaign are in fact still with the company. Also, although 42E is not currently working on the TDKR campaign, Warner Bros. could still contact them later on. Given that the film isn’t set to release in theaters until July 20, 2012, the studio has some time to decide if they want work with 42E again.Update #2 – I just want to make it clear: Both of my sources confirm that 42 Entertainment is not working on anything for The Dark Knight Rises, but the possibility is still there for Warner Bros. to hire them. The only confirmed viral piece we’ve seen for the film was done in-house and probably would have little to no bearing on a new viral marketing plan. However, due to 42 Entertainment’s secrecy (The Dark Knight and Tron: Legacy aren’t even listened on the “our work” section of their official website), we may never get confirmation if they are brought on or not. Our only clue may be the quality and intricacy of the campaign. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing 42 EntertainmentThe Dark Knight Rises
Fox Home Entertainment uses PSAs to Sell DVDs September 23, 2009September 22, 2009Fox Home Entertainment has a funny internet video campaign going on to promote their line up of DVDs. They seem to be using a “One Movie At A Time” moniker in the creation of fake PSAs that use clips from their DVD collection. A YouTube account was created with the… Read More
New “Skyline” Viral Video Hits The Streets November 10, 2010With Skyline in theaters this Friday, and already a couple of viral videos under their belt, the special effect team who are bringing you the film, want you to have a better understanding of what they can do. And by they, I mean the special effects team. Not quite sure… Read More
News Dimension Films Would Rather Find Release Date for “Apollo 18” Than Update Its Viral Campaign June 1, 2011June 1, 2011In what was suppose to be one rather exciting viral marketing campaigns of 2011, has turned into a figment of your imagination. Perhaps it’s due to the fact that Apollo 18 cannot find a solid release date. Box Office Mojo is reporting that the release date has shifted for a… Read More
I’m pretty sure people would follow TDKR viral campaign if it was being made by 3 teenagers on Angelfire. Don’t know if too many people worry about the company behind it.
people who play arg love the 42e company they are one of the best so many people as you will see will jump on a campaign just for the fact that 42e is doing it
it’s my understanding that 42 Entertainment never acknowledges they’re working on anything viral until after it’s over with. if that’s the case, how do we know that they aren’t really behind it?p.s. i will follow this viral campaign regardless of who’s behind it. it’s The Dark Knight Rises!