Rule The Dark And Eyeshine Yourself Just Like “Riddick” With This New App David Weaver, August 8, 2013April 15, 2015 Riddick is the most wanted man in the universe, but that is only because he is also the most dangerous man in the universe. Aside from his dubious nature, the one thing that makes him more dangerous than anyone else is his ability to see in the dark. Now you too can rule the dark just like Riddick with this new eyeshining app, and it won’t even cost you 20 Menthol Cools either. See a sample eyeshine along with more information after the break.All you need is photo of yourself, or anything with two eyes for that matter, apply it into the app and do some minor adjustments, and voila! You can then look just like this!Pretty cool right? You know you’re jealous. Well, stop whining and check out the app for yourself by clicking this link and get your eyeshine on!Riddick opens in theaters on September 6th. Apps AppRiddick
Play The Movie Version of “Battleship” on Facebook April 8, 2012While the Universal Pictures sci-fi action flick Battleship may bare little resemblance to the Hasbro board game it is based on, that doesn’t mean the two can’t merge. The Facebook game Battleship: The Battle For Earth Begins At Sea lets you play the classic strategy game with your Facebook fans… Read More
Evolve Yourself With This “Transcendence” App April 11, 2014April 15, 2015In the new film Transcendence from director Wally Pfister, Dr. Will Caster (played by Johnny Depp) is an artificial intelligence researcher whose goal is to create the world’s very first sentient AI. After an accident forces Dr. Caster to become the guinea pig for his own experiment, he transfers his consciousness… Read More
“Machete Kills” Your Favorite Memes With A Vengeance September 28, 2013April 15, 2015Machete don’t text, Machete don’t tweet, Machete don’t twerk, and now it appears he isn’t too fond of memes either. Quickly becoming an outlet for the rage we all hold within ourselves for all things that trend, Machete wants to help you kill those pesky memes that everyone seems to… Read More