Kevin Smith’s New Horror Film “Tusk” Allows You To Tuskify Yourself Online Christopher Moore, September 11, 2014September 11, 2014 With Kevin Smith‘s new horror film Tusk being released soon on September 19th, several movie theaters have a promotional cardboard standee for the movie with a hole cut out, so you can have someone take a picture with your face where the Walrus’ face should be. If you don’t have time to run out to your local theater to do that, they’ve made it easy for you to “Tuskify” yourself from the comfort of your very own computer chair. Check out all the details on how to do that after the break.Here’s Kevin Smith using one of the theater standees to “Tuskify” himself:In order to “Tuskify” yourself via the web, all you need to do is go to the Tusk site and you can either upload a “front facing” photo of yourself or activate your webcam to create one. Here’s a screen capture of what the “Tuskify” page looks like.The site will allow you to scale, rotate and adjust the image, so it fits in the Walrus’ face. Once you’re done, you can share your Tusk promo image to all your social media platforms. They recommend accompanying your post with the film’s hashtag “#WalrusYes.”After you’ve “Tuskified” yourself, if you’d keep up to date on all things Tusk, you can “Like” the film on Facebook and follow it on Twitter. If you want to know about the medical marijuana dispensary tie-in for the film, you can check out our article on it here.Tusk is written and directed by Kevin Smith. The movie stars Justin Long, Michael Parks, Genesis Rodriguez and Haley Joel Osment. And, of course, the film hits theaters on September 19th. Social Networks Viral Marketing Viral News Justin LongKevin SmithTusk
Paranormal Activity Contest: Win a Personal Screening and a Home Entertainment System December 14, 2009December 15, 2009Amazon is teaming up with Paramount Home Entertainment to bring you a pretty nifty contest for Paranormal Activity, and all you have to do is sign up by December 18th. Since the film had a slow release based on word of mouth, I’m sure the marketing team has plenty of… Read More
Abraham Lincoln Is Now On Twitter February 11, 2011It’s not often that you see a serious film test out the viral marketing landscape, so this is a nice treat. Lionsgate and Roadside Attractions have started up a special character Twitter account for Robert Redford’s The Conspirator. This isn’t just any character, though; It’s President Abraham Lincoln. Read More
Enter The IGN “Pacific Rim” Jaeger Design Contest To Win An Assortment Of Fabulous Prizes June 21, 2013June 21, 2013Designing a Jaeger is no small feet, because they’re big…and they have big feet. Anyway, bad jokes aside, apparently the director of Pacific Rim, Guillermo del Toro, wants you to have a go at it yourself and design your very own Jaeger for a chance to win one of three… Read More