This Week In Viral – Cloverfield 2? Dan Koelsch, March 1, 2009July 18, 2010 That’s right, JJ Abrams spoke at WonderCon about the possibility of Cloverfield 2. Here is the video: Not much more than what he and Director Matt Reeves have said in the past, though it seems like they finally have a good idea for the sequel/spin off. Viral news on Angels & Demons, Surrogates, District 9, and 2012 after the jump. Angels & Demons – Kudos go out to member “lion” from the forums who found out the codes for the viral site. The codes are 1918, 5118208, 69185, and 23120518. Each shows a night vision video of a different priest in some kind of jail cell, and apparently represent wind, air, fire, and water. “lion” got the codes from the official site, though my attempts at finding them have turned up nothing. Surrogates – Register on the viral site for new surrogate models coming out this year. It should be interesting to see what they do with this. District 9 – Thanks to David for these updates. The film has starting advertising on the web, as seen on Also, one of the viral sites,, is now under construction. Be sure to follow developments in the forum. 2012 – Charlie Frost is at it again. Now he has a video about the Mayan religious figure Kukulcan. Here’s the video: Viral Marketing 2012Angels & DemonsCloverfieldDistrict 9SurrogatesThis Week In Viral
“H+ The Digital Series” Has Viral Website and Videos August 15, 2012August 15, 2012Last week, the highly anticipated H+ The Digital Series debuted online to a favorable response. The web series is about a future where an implant hooks your brain up to the Internet 24/7. The company behind the technology has a website, and there are some in-world videos as well. Take… Read More
Who’s Playing Lollapalooza? Only Time Will Tell April 5, 2010April 5, 2010A while back, when the Tron Legacy viral really started to pick up, one of the first things they did is slowly reveal the cities involved in the screening of the trailer. Well, a similar site is doing something similar, and this, we know EXACTLY where it will be. It’s… Read More
When Viral Strikes! (Too Soon) November 24, 2009June 6, 2010A while back, I wrote about how the start of a film, meant the end of a perfectly good viral. One can look at it as a tough day. It’s like making a good friend, and then that friend just up and leaves you. Never to be heard from again…. Read More