This Week In Viral – Our First Viral Ends Dan Koelsch, March 15, 2009July 18, 2010 The Watchmen viral appears to be officially over, as noted by the elimination of its page from our site. This is the first viral we’ve covered at MoveViral to end, so this is an important moment for us. Check out the forum if you want to talk about your reaction to the film, and we have a few reviews on the main page, including our ViralCast Special. We’ll have a review of the viral itself soon. I guess I can’t continue to use titles claiming not much is going on in viral, because that’s going to get old really quick. A few viral updates after the jump… 2012 – Charlie Frost has a video explaining why he doesn’t think much of Nostradamus : Angels & Demons – Now this is interesting. One of new members, “lion”, was the first to give us the codes for the viral site. He explained that he found them on the official site, but I tried to find them and came up with nothing. Now he has posted a cryptic message:I must hurry I don’t have much time to write this, i’m being watched. You MUST help me save Robert, he is in grave danger. Look for the light where it should not be.Could be nothing, but staff writer Ian noted that there are flashes before some of the videos on the viral site. What could this all mean? Is he part of the official viral, or is he just pulling our leg? Those have been his only posts, so who knows if or when we’ll find out. That’s it for this week’s TWIV. As always, our staff can only cover a fraction of the news, so to keep up-to-date, go to our Official Forum. Keep searching for viral, you never know where you’ll catch it. Viral Marketing 2012Angels & DemonsThis Week In ViralWatchmen
Check Out The New Web Series for The Office March 4, 2010March 4, 2010The latest web series for NBC’s The Office is now live on We showed you the teaser for “The Mentor” last week, and now you can watch all four webisodes, as well as play games, download screensavers, and more. Watch the videos after the jump. Read More
Watch: Zeb Fights Stormtroopers In ‘Star Wars Rebels’ Short “Entanglement” August 25, 2014August 25, 2014Disney had released its third Star Wars Rebels short in anticipation for its hour long premiere on October 3rd. Previous shorts have focused on the various members of the rebel force, one centering on an R2 unit, the other on Sabine, the Mandalorian Human. The third one now focuses on… Read More
Dan’s High Five: 5 Ways to Accidentally Start a Zombie Apocalypse October 18, 2009June 8, 2010There are a lot of ways to create a zombie. So many, in fact, that many films don’t even show you how a zombie infestation started. They leave it to your imagination, which is usually a good thing, because it’s hard (and usually boring) to show how it all starts…. Read More