ViralCast #5: Interview With A Dreamworks PA Dan Koelsch, March 23, 2009March 14, 2010 Here’s my unedited interview with Ryan Gerrish, a production assistant at Dreamworks Animation. Just to clarify, we say that the film Monsters vs. Aliens comes out “this weekend”, but we meant next weekend, March 27th. So, check it out that weekend, especially if you have a theater near you with 3D, because that’s the best way to see it. You can see Ryan’s work at In other news: Due to technical difficulties (and a mild viral week), we’ll be skipping TWIV and I’ll return in full force next Sunday to cover the past two weeks. Finally, here’s the podcast: Powered by Podcasts DreamworksDreamworks AnimationKung Fu PandaMonsters vs. AliensViralCast
Interview: Neil Brown Jr. Talks “The Walking Dead” and “Battle: Los Angeles” January 28, 2011January 28, 2011You may not know actor Neil Brown Jr. by name, but you probably recognize him from AMC’s new hit series The Walking Dead. In two episodes from the show’s first season, Brown plays Guillermo, the leader of a gang that turn out to just be a group protecting a nursing… Read More
ViralCast #7: Summer Movie Preview Members Strike Back April 18, 2009March 27, 2010In our latest ViralCast, two of our forum members give their two cents about the upcoming Summer movie schedule. Check it out after the break. Read More
WonderCon 2012: “Looper” Roundtable Interview With Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Rian Johnson March 19, 2012Our other roundtable interview at WonderCon was for the upcoming sci-fi action film Looper, in which we had the pleasure to sit down with star Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Director/Writer Rian Johnson. The film stars Levitt as a hitman who kills people sent back from the future by the mob, but… Read More