WonderCon 2011: “Hanna” Roundtable With Director Joe Wright and Star Saoirse Ronan Dan Koelsch, April 4, 2011 The action thriller Hanna opens this coming weekend in theaters, so Focus Features held a roundtable interview for the director Joe Wright and Saoirse Ronan, who has the title role in the film. Listen to the interviews after the break. The film stars Ronan as Hanna, a well-trained daughter who is sent on a mission by her ex-CIA operative father (Eric Bana) while eluding the CIA. The majority of our time (0:00 – 12:08) was spent with Ronan, who was very well spoken and put together for a 16 year old. She talked mostly about what her drew her to this film and how it’s not just an action flick. Joe Wright (12:09 – 16:47) also discussed how he came aboard the film and how the project scared the usually character-driven director. Both talk about how the film uses a fairytale theme and plays with the idea. Subscribe to the podcast on Temp DL: https://movieviral.com/music/podcast/hannainterview.mp3 or HERE. Comic-Con Conventions Events Podcasts HannainterviewWondercon
Conventions VidCon 2014: The Fine Brothers On Virality, Key To Online Success And Cat Videos June 30, 2014July 1, 2014The Fine Brothers Raf and Benny, creators of the “React” videos and Film/TV shows “in 7 minutes”, sat down to talk to press about their latest endevour. They are teaming up with viral superstars Grumpy Cat and other YouTubers for The Friskies. Cat food company Friskies will celebrate online cat… Read More
Events Mondo Mystery Movie IX Unleashes Zombie Hoard On the Living November 1, 2011November 1, 2011Independent movie theaters are the best thing that could happen to a movie fanatic such as myself. Whether the films are critics’ favorites or cult classics, a theater will most likely screen it. Best of all, they aren’t tied down to the big corporate machine. So that gives them free… Read More
Browncoats Unite at SDCC 2012 for Firefly Reunion Panel! June 28, 2012June 29, 2012It has been 10 years since the premiere of Joss Whedon’s Firefly, a show about the crew of a renegade “firefly-class” ship, the Serenity, after a civil war. Science Channel has been showing reruns of the short-lived series and will be at Comic-Con next month with three exclusive panels, one… Read More