Contest Reminder – ONLY 4 DAYS LEFT! Dan Koelsch, April 16, 2009March 23, 2010 Want to win a copy of ‘Hancock’ on Blu-Ray? You’ll have to be clever, and there’s only 4 days left. Read the rules after the break. First, you got to be a member of our forum, so sign up! Submit a 250+ word treament/plot summary of your idea for a Cloverfield sequel. Entries can be submitted to Dan via Private Message (PM) in the forums. Please try to use proper spelling and grammar. The forum administrators will narrow down the entries to 5 nominees. Then, we will let the members vote for the winner. Poll for winner will be posted by April 24th, with the winner being announced by May 1st. Entries must be submitted by 11:59PM PDT APRIL 20TH, 2009. If you have any questions, PM Dan or check out the forum thread. Good luck! Watch the commercial and share it with your friends: Contests CloverfieldContestsHancock
“Labor Day” Instagram Contest Wants You To Define Love January 21, 2014Jason Reitman‘s Labor Day takes a look at what happens when a reclusive mother (Kate Winslet) falls in love with a wanted fugitive (Josh Brolin) during the Labor Day weekend. What was suppose to be a regular day of shopping for school supplies turns into an unlikely hostage situation with… Read More
Help Promote “The Amazing Spider-man 2” To Earn Points And Plenty Of Fantastic Prizes November 6, 2013November 6, 2013Do you enjoy all the pre-release marketing for your favorite and most anticipated upcoming films? Well, if you do then the fine folks over at Sony want your help in spreading the word about the upcoming sure-to-be blockbuster, The Amazing Spider-man 2. Sharing content isn’t anything new, we post trailers,… Read More
Paramount Runs Pair Of ‘Interstellar’ Contests That Will Take Winners To The Edge Of Space October 31, 2014October 31, 2014Interstellar is an unforgettably spectacular visually immersive film going experience unlike any other. Christopher Nolan’s space epic uses elements from other sci-fi space films and mixes them in with his signature style. Now to help promote the film, Paramount revealed they will unveil a space exhibit at the National Air… Read More