This Week In Viral: Yeah, We’re Still Here Dan Koelsch, May 18, 2009April 7, 2010 Sorry for the long break. Let’s get down to business. So, two more virals have come to pass this year, with Star Trek and Angels & Demons now behind us. Listen to our review of the viral campaigns in our latest ViralCast. With the death of two virals, a new viral is born. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen has finally started a viral campaign with a couple of sites that so far don’t mean much to me. Check out the links here, or check out our Transformers page. More viral news after the jump. Terminator Salvation –’s new design is cool, but it prevents us from seeing the dates their posts are uploaded. Great. The site now has a community war simulator that puts you against Skynet. It’s kind of confusing to me personally, but you may like it, so check it out. They’ve also been busy hacking Skynet’s infomercials and getting more messages from the future. Here’s the latest: District 9 – The month of May saw some nice updates to the District 9 viral campaign. The first trailer premiered in front of Wolverine and online on May 1st. There’s even a new Twitter account, though forum member Dizzi800 noticed quite a big mistake. The poster premiered a few days later. Check out our latest stories, which include the trailer, poster, and some analysis: Breaking: New District 9 poster = Awesome Breaking: District 9 Trailer With Subtitles and No Pixelation! District 9 Trailer Review and Analysis Surrogates – Disney now has an extended preview for Surrogates, giving us our first real glimpse at the film. 2012 – The IHC is finally updating their news feed once in a while. Here’s the latest update:White House Chief of Staff Carl Anheuser (pictured) announced today that President Wilson will not be attending the G-8 Environmental Summit as previously reported. Mr. Anheuser stated that the President is needed stateside and that he will attend the Summit in lieu of the President. The controversial Summit plans to address impending planetary threats and possible recourse in the face of disaster.And of course, Mr. Frost has (surprisingly only one!) new video: Last, I’m not sure if I mentioned this last time, but Soren Ulfert, Communications Director at the Institute for Human Continuity, has a Twitter account. That’s it for this week’s TWIV. As always, our staff can only cover a fraction of the news, so to keep up-to-date, go to our Official Forum. Keep searching for viral, you never know where you’ll catch it. Viral Marketing 2012Angels & DemonsDistrict 9MNU Spreads LiesResist or Be TerminatedRevenge of the FallenSkynetSoren UlfertStar TrekSurrogatesTerminator SalvationThe IHCTransformers
Watch Vin Diesel Say “I Am Groot” In Five Different Languages July 30, 2014July 30, 2014Groot (voiced by Vin Diesel) is a tree alien humanoid who only says “I am Groot.” As a alien of few words, it be interesting to see or hear what it’s like to speak those three words in different languages. Well before the US release of Guardians of the Galaxy,… Read More
Ben Affleck Explains The Social Media Rivarly Between ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ And ‘Star Wars Episode VII’ October 2, 2014The friendly social media rivalry between Zack Snyder‘s Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice and J.J. Abrams‘ Star Wars Episode VII took a new turn when Abrams unveiled a video featuring the Millennium Falcon having a small Batmobile, from Christopher Nolan‘s Dark Knight trilogy, attached to the belly of the… Read More
Kick-Ass: Live Facebook Interview With Director Matthew Vaughn; New iPhone App and Trailer March 20, 2010The theatrical release of Lionsgate’s Kick-Ass is less than a month away, and all the Internet promotions are starting to pour in. Director Matthew Vaughn is taking part in live interview on Facebook, there’s now an iPhone/iPod Touch App for the film, and we have a few new TV spots… Read More