Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Viral Campaign Begins Ian DeVere, May 23, 2009April 30, 2010 As mentioned in the last TWIV, The Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen viral campaign has kicked off finally. With Linkin Park’s song New Divide available now, Paramount’s efforts to get people to the theater are in full force. Check out our Transformers page, and read about the new viral sites after the jump. The Real Effing DealVisible on Sam’s jacket here, this is the first site that was discovered (shortly after the new trailer came out). The site is run by Leo Spitz (Ramon Rodriguez) and is all about the battle of Mission City from the end of the first movie, finding out the truth and conspiracies etc. Leo apparently has a thing for Olivia Munn from G4TV, as she is referred to as ‘Future Mrs. Spitz’ on the site. The site has blurry images of Optimus Prime and Starscream. Giant Effing RobotsRun by ‘Robo-Warrior’ (Jon Turturro), this site is in direct competition with The Real Effing Deal. On the site, Turturro talks about his dislike for Leo Spitz, but he also has a little thing for Olivia Munn, as well as Star Trek. The site’s first post is on 9/8/08 and aren’t very common, however this should change now that the viral has kicked off and the site was discovered. Mendelson RoboticsThe third and final site in the viral campaign, not running yet. This site (and company) is responsible for covering up the events in Mission City, as well as studying the Transformers in order to gain technological advancements. What they do/don’t have in the movie is currently unknown. This might be the company that is shown at the end of one of the new TV spots (It’s On). Thanks to for the details. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen hits theaters on June 24th this summer. Expect more coverage of this film and it’s viral as it becomes available. Viral Marketing Giant Effing RobotsMendelson RoboticsRevenge of the FallenThe Real Effing DealTransformers
Special LIVE ViralCast: Repo Men Hunt – Starting at 2PM PST, 5PM EST March 7, 2010March 7, 2010UPDATE: The ViralCast has ended and is online here. ViralCast will be broadcasting LIVE today with special guests Ciji and Alex, two Repo Men runners. We’ll also be chatting with Mike Selinker, President of Lone Shark Games, the company behind the hunt. You can listen live after the jump, or… Read More
How The Iron Man 2 Photos Are Connected June 10, 2009June 10, 2009Recently, the first image of Mickey Rourke as Whiplash/Backlash/Crimsonson Dynamo (I heard it’s a mix of all three). After a mountain dew fueled journey through the mind via the music of The Allman brothers, I noticed something. The two photos are connected. Take a look at the first image. Look,… Read More
Battle: Los Angeles – Classic Sony Viral At Comic-Con July 21, 2010January 19, 2011Once you create a website, that is obviously far from the title of the film, you enter this wonderful world of viral marketing. And then, there is Sony. They seem to go their own route. The route of luring you into this amazing feeling of finding something above and beyond… Read More
Hey – just an FYI that clicking on the header to get back to the site HP gives me this:Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_header() in /home/aladygma/public_html/movieviral/wp-content/themes/wmag/index.php on line 1
Hey Jackman-Thanks for the heads-up. Right now we’re testing new skins and layouts for the main page, and a couple of them have bugs. We’re still working out the kinks.
I’m pretty sure that’s not Sam’s jacket. I’m pretty sure that’s his roommate Leon Spitz, since it is his website that he runs against Robowarrior, Simmons.
You know, I’m not sure who it is. It doesn’t really look like Sam from behind, but the next shot after that in the trailer seems to be in the same room, at the same time, with the same people.Or maybe I’m blind and it’s a good edit.