MNU Really Wants You To Stay Away From Aliens Dan Koelsch, May 31, 2009May 1, 2010 Both on our sister site District9news and our own forum, we mentioned over a week ago the billboard that showed up with the phone number to call if you see an aliens. When you call the number, it’s just an automated message where you can say whatever you want. The theory is that if you leave a message, they may use it in a future ad or something. If that’s true, it’s a good idea. Recently, thanks to the reporting of, we know more of the same type of advertising has popped up. While each is tailored to the surface and location it’s posted on, they all demand you report non-humans, and the number to report them is the same. Here are a couple of the photos, but check out our forum to see them all and talk about it. To my understanding, these are all in the Los Angeles area, so if you see any outside of SoCal, let us know. And take photos! Viral Marketing District 9MNUMulti-National United
Marvel Movie Video Bits: Avengers, Thor, and X-Men August 31, 2011August 31, 2011Today the Internet Gods have blessed us with a few videos from various Marvel sources. I’m not going to spoil anything above the fold, so check them all out after the break. Read More
Super 8 Viral: Folder and Audio File Found June 2, 2010June 10, 2010After weeks of poking and prodding, a small break has finally been made on the remote computer desktop seen on Scariest Thing I Ever Saw. While this may not be a huge step in Super 8 viral, at least it’s something to tide us over until the Rocket Poppeteers website… Read More
Breaking Bad: Loaded With Viral! March 19, 2010April 7, 2010The critically acclaimed show, Breaking Bad, is just about to enter it’s third season in a couple of days on the AMC network, and the series is filled with all types of viral marketing, it’s been keeping me busy, and hopefully I don’t leave anything out. The show is centered… Read More