This Week In Viral: Week of 6/8/09 Dan Koelsch, June 15, 2009June 15, 2009 This was a good week for viral, especially for District 9, which saw more posters, an official website (finally), and now more footage. Matt will have a full breakdown of the footage screened in front of Pelham 123 in some theaters tomorrow. The clips showed more of the aliens (including full body and action shots) and gave a bit more info on Mult-National United.This Week In Viral covers viral news from the week that for whatever reason didn’t make it into it’s own post. TotalFilm has a review of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, and apparently there’s a Cloverfield poster in Sam’s room. Pretty cool.Speaking of Transformers, TheRealEffingDeal is pumping out daily posts now, so check out the site for some interesting theories and observations, including this savory video:Also, GiantEffingRobots finally posted for the first time in month, and it was actually three posts in one day. They have their own tasty vid:In more District 9 news, MNU continues to urge tweeters to report alien sightings.I don’t think I mentioned this before, but the Surrogates viral site now has an entry page which lets you view and download the trailer, once again breaking what I’m going to start calling the “Viral 4th Wall”.We finally got a picture from the Michael Moore theater stunt:Tobias Richter, Trekkie and CG artist, created this awesome animation for FedCon 2009, showing a meeting between the USS Kelvin and the USS Enterprise. You may know Richter from his pre-release CGI renderings of the new film’s Enterprise.That’s it for this week’s TWIV. As always, our staff can only cover a fraction of the news, so to keep up-to-date, go to our Official Forum. Keep searching for viral, you never know where you’ll catch it. Viral Marketing District 9Michael MooreStar TrekSurrogatesTransformers
Super 8 Preview #4 and Japanese Poster Revealed May 18, 2011May 19, 2011The fourth and final preview clip from Super 8 aired on Fox Wednesday night, and though it doesn’t reveal as much as the third clip did, it still gives some clues to the plot. We also have a Japanese poster for the film from First Showing that really plays up… Read More
AMC Releases ‘Unlimited Ticket’ to Rewatch ‘Interstellar’ November 17, 2014November 17, 2014Good news film fans! AMC Theaters is offering an enticing ticket for ‘Interstellar’, in partnership with Paramount. This ticket is being called an “Unlimited Ticket’, and it is precisely what it sounds like. Read More
Alice in Wonderland Sends Out Book and Key To Bloggers January 7, 2010November 16, 2010Our friends at Firstshowing got a nice little present in the mail yesterday in the form of an Alice in Wonderland book full of surprises. In fact, there were books inside books (like those Russian dolls), and a USB drive shaped like a 19th century key. Pretty impressive set up,… Read More
The second TF video the robot in their looks like Jazz for some reason, it’ll proberly be sideswipe my guess is. The Star Trek video is cool also