All New 2012 Trailer Matt, June 18, 2009June 18, 2009 Just a few minutes ago, the all new trailer for 2012 dropped on yahoo movies. Let me tell you one thing. This movie looks AWESOME. Boy, do I love me some CGI-Fest films. This one looks to top everything else in the ‘Cool stuff ILM Made’ category. Well, I know you guys are tired of reading my reaction to it, so you can check out the trailer below:Never before has a date in history been so significant to so many cultures, so many religions, scientists, and governments. 2012 is an epic adventure about a global cataclysm, which brings an end to the world and tells of the heroic struggle of the survivors. The film is inspired by several hypotheses that state the ancient Mayans predicted a doomsday event will occur sometime around the 2012 solstice. The original basis for this comes from the end of the current cycle in the Mesoamerican Long Count calender on December 21, 2012.Check out our 2012 page for more information on the film and its viral campaign.2012 hit theaters nationwide on November 13th. Viral Marketing 2012
NBC Launches “Comedy Playground Initiative” To Help With Their Comedy Lineup April 9, 2014After a string – a very long string to be exact – of failing sitcoms, NBC is looking for some new talent to revive their one great staple, and they are looking to you to create it. The crowd sourcing initiative is being called the NBC Comedy Playground Initiative is… Read More
2012: New Frost Video, and Remember Those Phones From The Drop Locations? November 10, 2009November 11, 2009Charlie Frost is back with a new video in his latest blog. With the movie coming out in just three days and Frost’s videos coming few and far between, it begs the question: Is this Charlie Frost’s last video? This one is pretty funny, so check it out. In other… Read More
Watch an Exclusive Clip From “Wish You Were Here” May 24, 2013May 24, 2013Wish You Were Here is a suspense drama about a tropical vacation gone wrong. The film opens in limited theaters on June 7th, but we have an exclusive clip for you after the break. In it, Dave Flannery (Joel Edgerton) and his wife Alice (Felicity Price) have a heated argument. Read More
Hey Matt, didn’t you say:Now, onto the shit-fest that is known as 2012, sure the movie isn’t out yet, but I can still rip on it! Yeah, a couple videos on YouTube, that’s about as interesting as Quarantine’s viral. OK, and the IHC, what the fuck can they do? Taking pre-cautions for the end of the world? How the fuck do you survive THE END OF THE FUCKING WORLD. That’s equivalent to Bear Grylls teaching viewers how to jump into a lava pit and live.Oh yeah, you did.