New Viral Campaign Pages – 9 & Funny People Dan Koelsch, July 1, 2009July 1, 2009 After some discussion, we have finally added two new pages to our viral campaign coverage. 9, the Tim Burton-produced film, and Funny People, Judd Apatow’s star-studded comedy, are now part of our full viral coverage. Check out the pages and the films’ viral campaigns to get up to speed. Funny People has added several new sites since our last (and only) update on the film, including Aziz’s hilarious character page. We’ll have more in-depth coverage of the Funny People viral tomorrow. Until then, stop being so lazy and check it out for yourself! Site News Viral Marketing 9Funny People
Marvel Debuts Iron Man 2 Interactive Trailer April 12, 2010August 5, 2010A new interactive trailer is now up on the Iron Man 2 official website. Technically, it’s the same trailer that debuted earlier this year, but now certain sections are “saved” as files that you access to see some pretty cool stuff. Check it out after the break. Read More
Apps “Ex-Machina” Uses Tinder App To Cleverly Market The Film At SXSW March 15, 2015April 1, 2015If you’re using the dating app Tinder and you’re in Austin, TX checking out the SXSW conference and festival, then don’t be surprised if a hot 25 year old woman by the name of Ava pops up in your list of possible matches. Don’t fall for it, though, because per… Read More
Help Promote “The Amazing Spider-man 2” To Earn Points And Plenty Of Fantastic Prizes November 6, 2013November 6, 2013Do you enjoy all the pre-release marketing for your favorite and most anticipated upcoming films? Well, if you do then the fine folks over at Sony want your help in spreading the word about the upcoming sure-to-be blockbuster, The Amazing Spider-man 2. Sharing content isn’t anything new, we post trailers,… Read More